• 2.15 (木)
  • 20.00
  • ブレーメン


Works by Piazzolla, Poulenc, Hartmann and Stravinsky


    • アストル・ピアソラ (1921–1992)
    • ›Histoire du Tango‹
    • フランシス・プーランク (1899–1963)
    • Sonate pour clarinette et bassoon op. 32a
    • Erich Hartmann (1920–2020)
    • Study for bassoon and small drums
    • イーゴリ・ストラヴィンスキー (1882–1971)
    • 朗読音楽劇『兵士の物語』



As one of the leading British clarinettists and most striking musicians, Matthew Hunt is known for the outstanding sound of his playing and for his ability to communicate with his audiences.

As soloist, Matthew has recently performed with conductors such as Trevor Pinnock, Clemens Schulte, Pekka Kuusisto, as well as with orchestras such as the Australian Chamber Orchestra Collective, the Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra, the Estonian festival Orchestra and as guest performer with the Berlin Philharmonic in the Berlin Kammermusik Saal. He is a passionate chamber musician and his partners to date include Meta4-, Chiarascuro-, Pavel Haas, the Elias Quartet as well as Pekka Kuusisto, Alina Ibragimova, Thomas Adès, Nicholas Altstaedt, Steven Isserlis, Elisabeth Leonskaja, Alexander Lanquich and the jazz pianist Iiro Rantala. Matthew Hunt is also principal clarinet with the Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen.

For the coming season, festival performances are planned in Norway, Switzerland, Belgium and America, plus further performances of Max Bruch’s concerto with Maté Szücs in the Berlin Philharmonie, as well as joint appearances with the much praised chamber ensemble ›Orsino‹.

Matthew Hunt’s recording of Mozart’s Clarinet Quintet, which has been greatly praised by the critics, has been hailed by BBC Music Magazine as a »seminal recording of this frequently recorded work«.



2001年ポルトガル生まれ。4歳にして地元の伝統的な吹奏楽団バンダ・デ・ムジカ・デ・ファマリカンで音楽の道に入り、10歳で地域の音楽アカデミーにてファゴットのレッスンを始める。12 歳からヴァーリ・ドゥ・アヴェ芸術専門学校で、当初はルルデス・カルネイロ、後にサンドラ・オチョアとウーゴ・メンデスに師事し、さらに腕を磨く。その後、ポルト音楽・舞台芸術大学で、ペドロ・シルヴァ、ラファエレ・ジャンノッティ、アクセル・ブノワらに学び、学士号を取得。現在、ザール音楽大学のギヨーム・サンタナのもとで修士号を取得中で、これまでにルクセンブルク室内管弦楽団、ザールラント州立劇場、ノルテ管弦楽団、オルケストラ・クラシカ・ドゥ・セントロ、マンハイム・フィルハーモニーなど、多数のオーケストラやアンサンブルと共演している。

2019年以来ファマリカン・ユース・オーケストラで活躍しており、2020/21年シーズンはポルトガル国立ユースオーケストラ (Jovem Orquestra Portuguesa) に在籍。2022/23シーズンには、トリアー市立フィルハーモニー管弦楽団と客演契約を結ぶ。室内楽にも熱心で、定期的にさまざまなアンサンブルと室内楽プロジェクトを手がける。2019年、In time quintetとともにポルトガルの全国若手ミュージシャン・アワード (Prémio Jovens Músicos) で2位入賞。




Gerd Schnackenberg



Jonas Krause studied Percussion with Andreas Boettger, Guido Marggrander, Erich Trog and Hilko Schomerus at Hanover College of Music, Drama and Media. In 2014 he earned himself a coveted place in the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie. He is co-founder of ensemble reflektor and a member of The Orchester im Treppenhaus, both of which are classical ensembles that devote themselves to alternative and innovative performance styles. As well as classical music, this percussionist also has a deep connection with Jazz. Crucial to this was his one-year course in Popular Music at the Saint Paul Conservatory for Performing Artists in Minnesota, USA, as well as his private lessons on the drum kit with the renowned Jazz musician Holger Nell.

Jonas Krause began the 2016/17 season as Academy Student with the Essen Philharmonic, transferring as Principal Percussionist to the Mecklenburg Staatskapelle Schwerin in March 2017. He has won the Jugend Musiziert competition several times and also won prizes at the Minneapolis Jazz Festival and the Eau Claire Jazz Festival during his stay in the USA. As well as in America, he has also given concerts in Africa, Europe and Asia. He has been Principal Timpanist with his favourite orchestra – the Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen – since August 2019.










Juliane Bruckmann was accepted as a young student at the University for Music and Dance in Cologne, initially with Prof. Gottfried Engels. After gaining her university entrance qualification she switched to the University of Music in Freiburg and continued her studies under Prof. Bozo Paradzik. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in summer 2016 and is currently working for her Master’s degree. She received further important musical input by attending masterclasses with, among others, Prof. Dorin Marc, Prof. Janne Saksala, Prof. Esko Laine and Prof. Christine Hoock. Juliane Bruckmann is a scholarship holder of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and the Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now Association, Freiburg.

Orchestral playing always has been and still is her passion. She was a long-standing member of the Deutsche Streicherphilharmonie and of the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie, and regularly played in the SWR Symphony Orchestra Baden-Baden and Freiburg. Juliane has been a member of The Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen since 2016.



As one of the leading British clarinettists and most striking musicians, Matthew Hunt is known for the outstanding sound of his playing and for his ability to communicate with his audiences.

As soloist, Matthew has recently performed with conductors such as Trevor Pinnock, Clemens Schulte, Pekka Kuusisto, as well as with orchestras such as the Australian Chamber Orchestra Collective, the Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra, the Estonian festival Orchestra and as guest performer with the Berlin Philharmonic in the Berlin Kammermusik Saal. He is a passionate chamber musician and his partners to date include Meta4-, Chiarascuro-, Pavel Haas, the Elias Quartet as well as Pekka Kuusisto, Alina Ibragimova, Thomas Adès, Nicholas Altstaedt, Steven Isserlis, Elisabeth Leonskaja, Alexander Lanquich and the jazz pianist Iiro Rantala. Matthew Hunt is also principal clarinet with the Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen.

For the coming season, festival performances are planned in Norway, Switzerland, Belgium and America, plus further performances of Max Bruch’s concerto with Maté Szücs in the Berlin Philharmonie, as well as joint appearances with the much praised chamber ensemble ›Orsino‹.

Matthew Hunt’s recording of Mozart’s Clarinet Quintet, which has been greatly praised by the critics, has been hailed by BBC Music Magazine as a »seminal recording of this frequently recorded work«.





Jonas Krause studied Percussion with Andreas Boettger, Guido Marggrander, Erich Trog and Hilko Schomerus at Hanover College of Music, Drama and Media. In 2014 he earned himself a coveted place in the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie. He is co-founder of ensemble reflektor and a member of The Orchester im Treppenhaus, both of which are classical ensembles that devote themselves to alternative and innovative performance styles. As well as classical music, this percussionist also has a deep connection with Jazz. Crucial to this was his one-year course in Popular Music at the Saint Paul Conservatory for Performing Artists in Minnesota, USA, as well as his private lessons on the drum kit with the renowned Jazz musician Holger Nell.

Jonas Krause began the 2016/17 season as Academy Student with the Essen Philharmonic, transferring as Principal Percussionist to the Mecklenburg Staatskapelle Schwerin in March 2017. He has won the Jugend Musiziert competition several times and also won prizes at the Minneapolis Jazz Festival and the Eau Claire Jazz Festival during his stay in the USA. As well as in America, he has also given concerts in Africa, Europe and Asia. He has been Principal Timpanist with his favourite orchestra – the Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen – since August 2019.



Juliane Bruckmann was accepted as a young student at the University for Music and Dance in Cologne, initially with Prof. Gottfried Engels. After gaining her university entrance qualification she switched to the University of Music in Freiburg and continued her studies under Prof. Bozo Paradzik. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in summer 2016 and is currently working for her Master’s degree. She received further important musical input by attending masterclasses with, among others, Prof. Dorin Marc, Prof. Janne Saksala, Prof. Esko Laine and Prof. Christine Hoock. Juliane Bruckmann is a scholarship holder of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and the Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now Association, Freiburg.

Orchestral playing always has been and still is her passion. She was a long-standing member of the Deutsche Streicherphilharmonie and of the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie, and regularly played in the SWR Symphony Orchestra Baden-Baden and Freiburg. Juliane has been a member of The Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen since 2016.