• 6.23 (木)
  • 20.00
  • ブレーメン




    • ヨーゼフ・ハイドン (1732–1809)
    • ロンドン・トリオ
    • フルート、ヴァイオリンとチェロのための大三重奏曲 ニ長調 Op.35
      • アルテュール・ヴァンサン・ルリエ (1892–1966)
      • ヴァイオリンに交わるフルート(La flûte à travers le violon) (1935)
      • ハブリジ・ハトルグリームソン (*1941)
      • フルートとチェロのためのVerse I(海のノクターン)



Bettina Wild moved from her native city of Münster to study the flute in Vienna, where she graduated ›with distinction‹ and received the Prize of Merit of the Austrian Ministry for Outstanding Artistic Achievements.

Subsequently she was a member of the Orchestra Academy of the Berlin Philharmonic. Following a brief appointment in Münster, she became a soloist with The Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen in 1993.

She has also had a teaching assignment at the University of the Arts in Bremen since 1997 and gives masterclasses at the Orchesterzentrum Dortmund and the University of Music in Lübeck.


ベアーテ ・ヴァイス



Bettina Wild moved from her native city of Münster to study the flute in Vienna, where she graduated ›with distinction‹ and received the Prize of Merit of the Austrian Ministry for Outstanding Artistic Achievements.

Subsequently she was a member of the Orchestra Academy of the Berlin Philharmonic. Following a brief appointment in Münster, she became a soloist with The Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen in 1993.

She has also had a teaching assignment at the University of the Arts in Bremen since 1997 and gives masterclasses at the Orchesterzentrum Dortmund and the University of Music in Lübeck.