• 6.19 (日)
  • 11.00
  • ブレーメン

ゾマー・イン・レスモーナ - ファミリーデー




Deniz & Ove, the two Hamburg musicians Deniz Jaspersen and Ove Thomsen. Deniz Jaspersen played for many years in the Indie Band Herrenmagazin in which Ove Thomsen was the singer and guitarist. They met at a live performance of ›Unter meinem Bett‹ – Oetinger Publishing House’s popular children’s music sampler. The idea of an album of children’s music was born on a train journey while on tour.

On ›Bällebad‹ they recreate in minute detail the everyday lives of children. Their songs such as ›Fieber‹ (Fever) ›Bunter Teppich‹ (Multi-coloured Carpet), ›Klettverschluss-Hauke‹ (Velcro Hauke) oder ›Krümelkind‹ (Crumb Kid) are about being ill, patchwork families – and crumbs! A mix of rock and ballad, earworms are guaranteed in this soundtrack for the whole family. Deniz and Ove’s music is not only popular with children but also with adults.


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