
Audio podcast with Beate Weis

In Part 2, the Kammer­philharmonie violinist travels to Swabia in south-west Germany. In 1996 and 2008 the orchestra recorded works by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy in the town church of Schwaigern. With the participation of a world-famous choir!

Presented in the podcast

Mendelssohn Bartholdy with Frieder Bernius

»This recording is designed to crown Bernius’s series of Mendelssohn’s choral works, and offers a fitting climax«

Bernius, Mendelssohn ›Lobgesang‹

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847)
Symphony Cantata op. 52
›Lauda Sion‹ op. 73

Frieder Bernius, conductor
Christiane Karg, Maria Bernius, soprano
Werner Güra, tenor

Kammerchor Stuttgar
The Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen

Bernius, Mendelssohn ›Wie der Hirsch schreit‹

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847)
Psalm 114 op. 51 ›Da Israel aus Ägypten zog‹
Psalm 42 op. 42 ›Wie der Hirsch schreit‹
›Lauda Sion‹ op. 73

Frieder Bernius, conductor
Kammerchor Stuttgart
and soloists
The Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen

Shop item: Bernius, Mendelssohn, ›Lobgesang‹
Shop item: Bernius, Mendelssohn, ›Wie der Hirsch schreit‹

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Beate Weis

Music and more

Beate Weis studied in Stuttgart and in Vienna. She has been a member of The Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen since 1992. Apart from playing the violin in the orchestra, she is very active in the field of music education and is passionate about chamber music. Beate Weis also cultivates another passion: her wine business ›Flaschenweise‹ specializes for the most part in organically grown wines. With her podcast ›Reheard‹, she is getting closer to her until now secret dream to produce audio books or create a radio broadcast.

Presented in the podcast

Mendelssohn Bartholdy with Frieder Bernius

»This recording is designed to crown Bernius’s series of Mendelssohn’s choral works, and offers a fitting climax«

Bernius, Mendelssohn ›Lobgesang‹

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847)
Symphony Cantata op. 52
›Lauda Sion‹ op. 73

Frieder Bernius, conductor
Christiane Karg, Maria Bernius, soprano
Werner Güra, tenor

Kammerchor Stuttgar
The Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen

Bernius, Mendelssohn ›Wie der Hirsch schreit‹

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847)
Psalm 114 op. 51 ›Da Israel aus Ägypten zog‹
Psalm 42 op. 42 ›Wie der Hirsch schreit‹
›Lauda Sion‹ op. 73

Frieder Bernius, conductor
Kammerchor Stuttgart
and soloists
The Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen

Shop item: Bernius, Mendelssohn, ›Lobgesang‹
Shop item: Bernius, Mendelssohn, ›Wie der Hirsch schreit‹

online shop