Summer in Lesmona
Picnic with a world class orchestra
Every summer, thousands of music lovers quiver with picnic fever over a very special concert event. Armed with blankets, tables, complete picnic sets and delicacies of every sort, they set off to celebrate Bremen’s most beautiful season in the open air: ›Summer in Lesmona‹. For a few decades, this classical summer open-air event has taken place in Knoops Park – one of the most beautiful spots in Bremen, and presented by a world-class orchestra.
Always different: fiery, sensual or jolly; the mood of ›Summer in Lesmona‹ depends on the theme, which changes every year. One thing is certain: the next ›Summer in Lesmona‹ is just around the corner!
The Lesmona feeling
Uniquely diverse
In the middle of this atmospheric park which, over 100 years ago was the scene of a touching love story, visitors come and listen to the star soloists at the ›Bremen Friday Night‹ event, and light up Saturday’s ›Full-Orchestra Concert‹ with countless sparklers. Other traditional elements on the programme include the famous musical readings at ›Tea in Lesmona‹ and the open-air cinema at night. Finally, on Sunday, a varied and irresistible programme for both young and old, as well as the annual picnic competition will beckon you to the park. The highlight is the afternoon’s great ›Family Concert‹ together with the ›Future Lab Playalong Orchestra‹.
The love story
The festival takes its name from the autobiographical novel ›Summer in Lesmona‹ by Marga Berck. The novel tells of the bitter-sweet summer romance between Marga and Percy. Special guided tours enable the public to follow in the footsteps of these erstwhile lovers.