Jörg Assmann

Violin · principal 2nd violin

Jörg Assmann began his studies in Münster and continued through to graduation with Ernst Kovacic in Vienna. From 1984 to 1987, he was a member of the Vienna Chamber Orchestra and the Soloists of the Vienna Chamber Orchestra. He attended masterclasses with Yfrah Neaman and Sándor Végh as well as numerous chamber music courses. Since 1987, Jörg Assmann has been a member of The Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen and principal of the second violins – although sometimes he also likes to ring the changes and play tutti with the first violins.

Jörg Assmann is happy to share his many experiences as a professional orchestra musician with others. He is conductor of the Camerata instrumentale, the symphony orchestra of the University of Music in Bremen, and regularly teaches chamber music courses for children and lay persons.

In his private life he loves sporting challenges. A keen runner, he has participated with impressive times in several marathons and is an enthusiastic ›Snaix‹ bike user. Designed to be deliberately instable, this unusual bike challenges his physical agility and coordination as well as training his mental flexibility.